
Flexibility training and stretching sessions

Flexibility and StretchingMany of us have concentrated on our fitness, our strength, our body shape and maybe, even our nutrition. But how many of us have really concentrated on our flexibility and mobility? Posture has become increasingly important as has core strength with a rise in popularity of exercise methodologies such as pilates. Many men and women, like owner Simon, concentrated on strength to the detriment of his flexibility and, as a result,  he has had many injuries over the years that he has trained.

Then came a light bulb moment when Matt Miller introduced Broga® and Simon refocused on the need to make flexibility and mobility a priority.  As a result, SPFit now includes a significant element of flexibility training and stretching in everything that we do including:

  • Postural analysis and corrective exercise
  • PNF stretching
  • Assisted stretching (see photo) with a buddy
  • Foam roller techniques to release muscle tensions

We can offer coaching from specific advanced stretching techniques to a full postural analysis. A postural assessment and corrective exercises can address movement problems that will lead to improved movement capacity and performance.

A corrective exercise programme may be able to identify problem areas before they cause you chronic pain. By applying appropriate corrective strategies you may be able to continue to exercise and see considerable improvements in your movement and offset the chances of suffering chronic pain as a result.

To this end we work with other professionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, sports massage therapists and acupuncturists.